I Just Want to Wear Pretty Things Again.

Have you heard the Leslie Gore song,”Sunshine, Lollipops & Rainbows?” Because that’s pretty much how I feel when I put on a super fun outfit complete with my favorite: ACCESSORIES. If you’ve never heard said song, please click below so you have a better understanding of the joy and sassiness I experience!!

This happens to me every time I have been unemployed. And I’m sure it’s now happening to millions of people everywhere who are in lockdown; I can’t wear pretty things anymore, DAMMIT! I have no reason. Why bother? Where am I going today? Who will I see? Oh I know, I know…what all the “experts” are saying. Get up as you would, shower, get dressed like you’re going into the office. Do your hair, put on your makeup. How’s that working for YOU? Cause I never last long. First you stop showering everyday. Then you stop bothering with an outfit. Pajamas/yoga pants take “Day into Evening” now. You still keep applying mascara because your iPhone even stopped recognizing you. Until you finally said fuck it iPhone, you better commit this new look to your memory Bitch!

Quite frankly it’s the accessories I miss most. They are the sparkle and the sass that you add to each outfit. I personally, have an addiction to brooches (sounds like roaches.) Brooches are statement pieces. A good brooch is all you need to add a little panache to your life. Just ask Madeleine Albright. She wrote a damn book about brooches called: “Read My Pins: Stories from a Diplomat’s Jewel box.” I have so many now that I finally bought a display case for them. Now I feel like the Queen of England every time I choose one to wear!

My Broach Case.

My other accessory love is scarves. Nothing like a good scarf/brooch combo to make you feel like a goddess. My husband has even embraced my love of scarves and has now taken to wearing them as well. He thinks they make him look European. He even bought me a display “rack” to try and store them. It was a wire dress form that originally I had added each scarf to, one by one, making the form look like she was wearing a dress of many fabrics. But my addiction grew and the poor thing kept keeling over from the weight. Alas she’s now leaned against the corner of my bedroom as if to say I’ll be in the corner until anyone needs me. And my scarves now rest there. Left to NOT adorn me. Poor things.

Sad Scarves.

So that’s it really. I just want a reason to be able to wear pretty things again. And it just feels weird to wear a brooch while walking the dog or putting on high heel boots to feed the cat. The good news is that I know this has happened before and I know this too shall pass (credit: Vicky Hardie, my mother-in-law for that saying.) AND that all of a sudden I will probably be complaining about having to pick out a damn outfit when this all ends. So ying yang people. Good with bad. Light with dark and all that. Etc…Etc.. Carry on. Carry on.